What is Site-level approval process for AdSense for Search (AFS) sites New Update

By techyrise.com 4 Min Read

What is Site-level approval?

Site-level approval is a new approach to evaluating websites participating in the AdSense for Search (AFS) program. Instead of focusing solely on individual ad units, Google will assess the overall quality and user experience of the entire website.

Why is Google implementing this change?

Google aims to ensure that AFS ads are displayed on high-quality websites that provide valuable and trustworthy content to users. This approach helps maintain a positive user experience and protects advertisers’ investments.

What does this mean for website owners?

Under the new system, websites will need to be explicitly approved for AFS participation before they can display ads. This approval process will involve Google evaluating various aspects of the website, including:

  • Content quality: Websites should offer informative, original, and well-written content relevant to the target audience.
  • User experience: The website should be user-friendly, with a clear layout, easy navigation, and mobile responsiveness.
  • Policy compliance: The website must adhere to Google’s AdSense program policies, which prohibit misleading content, spam, and other harmful practices.

When will this change take effect?

Google has yet to officially announce the exact rollout date for Site-level approval for AFS. However, it’s expected to happen sometime in the future.

How can website owners prepare?

Website owners can proactively prepare for the Site-level approval process by:

  • Reviewing Google’s AdSense program policies: Ensure your website adheres to all guidelines and restrictions.
  • Focusing on creating high-quality content: Provide valuable and informative content that caters to your target audience.
  • Enhancing user experience: Optimize your website for user-friendliness, navigation, and mobile responsiveness.
  • Staying informed: Keep an eye on official Google AdSense announcements for updates about the Site-level approval process.

By implementing these steps, website owners can increase their chances of being approved for AFS participation under the new Site-level approval system.

AdSense for Search (AFS) Policies

AdSense for Search (AFS) allows you to integrate Google Search and Shopping ads onto your website, generating revenue from user searches. However, to participate in AFS, your website must comply with specific policies established by Google. These policies aim to ensure a positive user experience, protect advertiser investments, and maintain the integrity of the AdSense program.

Content and User Experience

  • High-quality content: Your website should offer informative, original, and well-written content relevant to your target audience. Google discourages websites with low-quality, thin, or irrelevant content.
  • User-friendliness: The website’s layout and navigation should be clear and easy to use, providing a smooth user experience. Mobile-friendliness is also crucial.
  • Policy compliance: Your website must adhere to Google’s AdSense program policies, which prohibit:
    • Misleading or deceptive content
    • Spam or irrelevant content
    • Hate speech or harmful content
    • Copyright infringement or other intellectual property violations

Search Functionality and Implementation:

  • Query integrity: Users must input search queries directly into the provided search box. Pre-populating the search box with terms or manipulating queries is strictly prohibited.
  • Code integrity: Modifying the AdSense for Search code in any way is not allowed.
  • Placement and limitations:
    • A maximum of two AdSense for Search boxes can be placed per page.
    • Code and ad units can only be used on search results pages, not on other website sections.
    • The online AdSense for Search product has a query limit of 5 billion queries per account per year.

Additional Considerations:

  • No incentivized searches: You cannot offer users any form of compensation for performing searches or viewing ads.
  • Nature of searchable content: The content your website allows users to search should not violate Google’s AdSense Program policies. Copyrighted content or content promoting illegal activities is prohibited.
  • Integration restrictions: AdSense for Search code cannot be integrated into software applications like toolbars or browser extensions.

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