Bluesky is ditching its waitlist and is now open to everyone in 2024
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Goodbye Waitlist, Hello World: Bluesky, the highly anticipated and Twitter-esque platform built on a decentralized model, has shed its invite-only status and officially opened its doors to the public. This marks a significant milestone in the platform’s journey, potentially shaking up the social media landscape.

Bluesky is ditching its waitlist and is now open to everyone in 2024

What is Bluesky?

Founded in 2019 by former Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and others, Bluesky aims to offer a more open and user-controlled alternative to centralized social media platforms. Unlike Twitter, which controls user data and algorithms, Bluesky operates on a decentralized protocol, empowering users to choose their own experience.

Key Features

  • Decentralization: Data and governance are not controlled by a single entity, giving users more control over their experience.
  • Open-source: The platform’s code is open for anyone to inspect and contribute to, fostering transparency and collaboration.
  • Interoperability: Users can interact with others across different platforms built on the same protocol, promoting open networks.
  • Algorithmic Choice: Users can choose which algorithms curate their content, reducing reliance on opaque and potentially biased algorithms.

Why Ditch the Waitlist?

With over 3 million users already on board, Bluesky believes the time is right to expand its reach. Opening up access could rapidly accelerate growth and user engagement, while also attracting developers and fostering a diverse ecosystem.

What’s Next?

The move signifies Bluesky’s commitment to becoming a major player in the social media sphere. Its decentralized approach and user-centric philosophy offer a compelling alternative to existing platforms. However, challenges remain, such as building a critical mass of users, attracting developers, and ensuring a positive and diverse online experience.

Can Bluesky Soar?

Only time will tell if Bluesky can truly challenge the dominance of established platforms. Its decentralized approach offers a unique value proposition, but it needs to effectively address user concerns about moderation, content discovery, and long-term sustainability. The platform’s success will hinge on its ability to attract and retain users, build a vibrant developer community, and navigate the complex social media landscape effectively.

Beyond the Velvet Rope: Bluesky Opens Its Gates to the Public

The velvet rope has been lifted, and the whispers have materialized. Bluesky, the Twitter-inspired platform built on a decentralized foundation, has shed its invite-only status and flung its doors wide open. This significant move marks a turning point in the platform’s evolution, potentially rewriting the script for social media as we know it.

Bluesky is ditching its waitlist and is now open to everyone in 2024

From Whispers to Open Dialogue

Conceived in 2019 by Jack Dorsey and his collaborators, Bluesky aimed to challenge the centralized hegemony of platforms like Twitter. Instead of the usual data-driven, algorithm-dictated experience, Bluesky envisioned a future where users held the reins. Built on an open-source protocol, the platform empowers users to choose their journey, fostering transparency and collaboration.

Key Features That Sing a Different Tune

  •  No longer does a single entity hold the baton. Data and governance are distributed across the network, placing the power in the hands of users.
  • Just like a community choir, anyone can contribute to the platform’s code, ensuring transparency and fostering innovation.
  • Imagine musicians effortlessly jamming across different stages. Bluesky allows users to interact with others on different platforms built on the same protocol, promoting open and inclusive networks.
  • Algorithms may still exist, but they no longer dictate your experience. Users choose which algorithms guide their content discovery, reducing reliance on opaque and potentially biased systems.

Why Now? The Symphony Begins

With over 3 million users already eager to join the chorus, Bluesky believes the time is ripe to expand its reach. Opening up access has the potential to rapidly accelerate growth and user engagement, while also attracting developers and fostering a diverse ecosystem.

The Next Movement: Challenges and Opportunities

The sheet music is laid out, but the performance is far from over. While challenges remain – building a critical mass, attracting developers, and ensuring a positive online experience are just a few – the move signifies Bluesky’s commitment to becoming a major player in the social media scene.

Can Bluesky Compose a Hit?

Only time will tell if Bluesky can truly disrupt the established order. Its decentralized approach offers a unique melody, but it needs to effectively address user concerns about moderation, content discovery, and long-term sustainability. The platform’s success hinges on its ability to attract and retain users, build a vibrant developer community, and navigate the complex social media landscape with grace and innovation.

Relationship Between Bluesky and Twitter

The relationship between Bluesky and Twitter is multifaceted and has evolved. While initially conceived as a project within Twitter, the two now operate as distinct entities with intertwined roots and contrasting philosophies.

Shared Origins

Bluesky was born in 2019 under the leadership of Jack Dorsey, then CEO of Twitter. The platform’s goal was to explore alternatives to the centralized model of Twitter, focusing on user control and data ownership. Though envisioned within Twitter, it operated as a separate team.

Shifting Gears

In 2022, Bluesky became an independent non-profit, severing formal ties with Twitter. This move aimed to ensure transparency, and neutrality, and avoid potential conflicts of interest arising from Twitter’s ownership. While Jack Dorsey remains involved as a board member, his focus has shifted beyond Bluesky.

Contrasting Philosophies

Bluesky embraces a decentralized approach, empowering users to choose their online experience and data storage. In contrast, Twitter remains a centralized platform controlled by a single entity, managing user data and algorithms. This fundamental difference reflects distinct visions for the future of social media.

Intertwined Legacy

Despite their independent paths, Bluesky and Twitter retain historical and personal connections. The platform utilizes some early technical concepts developed at Twitter, and individuals like Dorsey retain ties to both entities. Moreover, the success of Bluesky could indirectly impact Twitter by prompting innovation and competition in the social media landscape.

Future Landscape

As Bluesky continues to grow and evolve, its relationship with Twitter will likely remain dynamic. While not directly connected, both platforms stand as potential testaments to contrasting approaches to social media. Their successes and challenges could shape the future of online interaction and user empowerment.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bluesky

What is Bluesky? 

Ans: Bluesky is a decentralized social media platform inspired by Twitter. It aims to give users more control over their data and experience compared to centralized platforms.

Is it open to everyone now?

 Ans: Yes! As of October 26, 2023, Bluesky is no longer invite-only and anyone can join.

How does it work?

 Ans: Bluesky operates on an open-source protocol, meaning its code is publicly available and users can choose their own apps and services to interact with the network.

What are the benefits of using Bluesky? 

Ans: Potential benefits include greater user control, transparency, interoperability with other platforms, and algorithmic choice.

How do I join Bluesky? 

Ans: You can create an account on the Bluesky website or through compatible apps built on the protocol.

What features are available? 

Ans: Currently, Bluesky offers basic social media features like posting, following, and liking. More features are expected to be developed in the future.

Do I need a specific device or app?

 Ans: You can access Bluesky through various devices and apps using the open protocol. The official Bluesky app is currently available for iOS and Android.

How does moderation work?

 Ans: Bluesky aims to be a self-moderating platform where users can choose which communities and content they want to engage with. Specific moderation policies are still under development.

What is the difference between Bluesky and Mastodon?

 Ans: Both are decentralized social media platforms, but Bluesky focuses on a Twitter-like experience, while Mastodon is more diverse in its offerings.

What are the technical challenges of decentralized social media? 

Ans: Building a user base, attracting developers, and ensuring network stability are some of the key challenges.

Is Bluesky more secure than centralized platforms?

 Ans: Decentralization can offer some security benefits, but it’s important to understand the risks associated with any online platform.

What is the corporate structure of Bluesky?

Bluesky operates with a unique corporate structure aimed at balancing innovation with responsible governance. Here’s a breakdown

  • Unlike a traditional for-profit corporation, Bluesky operates as a PBC, prioritizing both social impact and financial sustainability. This means they have a legal obligation to consider the public good alongside profit.
  • While Jack Dorsey provided initial funding and serves on the board, Bluesky operates independently from Twitter or any other entity. This helps ensure its neutrality and commitment to its open-source values.


  • The CEO of Bluesky, Jay Graber, holds ownership along with the Bluesky team. This promotes a collaborative and employee-centric environment.

Board of Directors

  • Jay Graber: Serves as Chairman and CEO.
  • Jack Dorsey:  The Former Twitter CEO and current Board Member
  • Jeremie Miller: Previously at Pinterest and currently a partner at the venture capital firm Betaworks, serving on the Board.

Open-Source Focus

  • Bluesky codebase: The core platform code is entirely open-source, allowing anyone to inspect, contribute, and build upon it. This fosters transparency and community involvement.
  • Protocol-based: Bluesky focuses on developing open protocols rather than centralized apps or services. This empowers independent developers to create diverse experiences on the network.

Overall, Bluesky’s corporate structure aims to balance

  • Fostering an open-source and community-driven approach to development.
  • Open-source code and a PBC structure ensure stakeholders can see and understand decision-making.
  • The Board of Directors oversees responsible management and adherence to the PBC mission.
  • Operating independently from any large corporation avoids external influence on decision-making.

Future of Bluesky:

  • What are Bluesky’s long-term goals? To become a major player in the social media landscape and offer a viable, user-controlled alternative to centralized platforms.
  • What are the biggest challenges Bluesky faces? Gaining widespread adoption, building a robust ecosystem of apps and developers, and addressing potential moderation issues.
  • Will Bluesky truly disrupt the social media industry? Only time will tell, but its unique approach and commitment to user empowerment offer a promising starting point.

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