Apple Vision Pro: A Glimpse into the Future According to Engadget Podcast
By 13 Min Read

Apple’s foray into mixed reality with the Vision Pro has sparked heated discussions in the tech world. The Engadget Podcast recently dedicated an episode to dissecting this futuristic headset, offering valuable insights for early adopters and tech enthusiasts alike. Here’s a breakdown of their key takeaways.

Apple Vision Pro: A Glimpse into the Future According to Engadget Podcast

First Impressions

  • Immersive Display: The podcast lauds the Vision Pro’s micro-OLED displays, boasting incredible sharpness and brightness. Watching 3D Immersive Videos creates a lifelike experience, akin to “IMAX meant to be.”
  • Intuitive Controls: Eye tracking and hand gestures are highlighted for their elegance and simplicity. However, eye strain becomes a concern due to the constant engagement needed for navigation.
  • Limited App Ecosystem: The nascent stage of VisionOS means a scarcity of apps. While the potential is undeniable, the current state might hold back casual users.

Deeper Dive

  • Mixed Bag for Entertainment: Watching movies is praised for its immersive nature, but the lackluster audio experience necessitates additional equipment like AirPods Max. Gaming potential is acknowledged, but specific titles and limitations remain unclear.
  • Developer Playground: The podcast emphasizes Vision Pro’s appeal to developers. Creating content for this new platform could shape the future of AR/VR experiences.
  • Battery Blues: As expected, battery life falls short, raising concerns about extended use and practicality.

The Verdict

The Engadget Podcast acknowledges the Vision Pro’s groundbreaking potential, showcasing impressive technology and a glimpse into the future of computing. However, they caution against unrealistic expectations. The hefty price tag, limited app selection, and comfort concerns make it more suitable for developers and early adopters, not mainstream consumers.

Additional Considerations

  • Privacy Concerns: As with any wearable tech, privacy issues surrounding data collection and user tracking need to be addressed transparently by Apple.
  • Accessibility: The current design might not be accessible to everyone, and future iterations need to consider inclusivity features.
  • Impact on Social Interaction: The potential social implications of spending more time in virtual environments deserve discussion.

Apple Vision Pro Review: Beta Testing the Future

Apple’s foray into mixed reality with the Vision Pro has ignited a firestorm of debate. Is it a revolutionary step forward, or an overpriced beta test of the future? After spending [duration of your testing period] with the headset, here’s a deep dive into its strengths, weaknesses, and what it means for the industry:

Immersion Unleashed

Apple hasn’t skimped on the display. Dual micro-OLED screens deliver jaw-dropping visuals, surpassing anything currently available in VR headsets. The colors are vibrant, the blacks are deep, and the resolution is so sharp, you’ll forget you’re wearing a headset. This translates to stunning 3D Immersive Videos, a truly cinematic experience that feels closer to “IMAX in your living room” than a traditional screen.

Intuitive, But Demanding

Eye tracking and hand gestures are the Vision Pro’s control scheme, and they mostly work well. Selecting menus and interacting with objects feels surprisingly natural, though eye strain can become an issue after prolonged use. While innovative, it’s not always flawless – hand tracking occasionally misinterprets gestures, demanding patience and practice.

A World (Not Quite) Waiting

VisionOS, the new operating system, feels polished and intuitive. But the app ecosystem is practically barren. Sure, the potential is undeniable, but for now, casual users might find themselves staring at a blank canvas. Developers, however, will rejoice – the Vision Pro is their playground to sculpt the future of AR/VR experiences.

Beyond Entertainment

Gaming on the Vision Pro is a mixed bag. While the immersive visuals are impressive, the lack of dedicated titles and limited controller support holds it back. However, imagine educational experiences where you explore historical events firsthand or collaborate with colleagues in virtual workspaces – the possibilities are tantalizing.

Battery Blues and Design Woes

As expected, battery life falters under the demands of high-resolution displays. Expect disappointing usage times, forcing frequent trips to the charger. Comfort is another concern – the headset, while sleek, feels heavier than expected, leading to fatigue during extended sessions.

Is it for You?

The Vision Pro is a fascinating glimpse into the future, but it’s not for everyone. The hefty price tag, limited app selection, and comfort concerns make it a tough sell for mainstream consumers. However, visionaries, developers, and early adopters will find much to explore and experiment with. It’s a beta test of the future, and while it might not be perfect today, it paves the way for exciting things to come.

Beyond the Review

The Vision Pro raises vital questions beyond its technical merits

  • Privacy: Data collection and user tracking in this immersive realm require transparent and robust privacy measures.
  • Accessibility: The current design might exclude some users. Inclusive features are crucial for widespread adoption.
  • Social Impact: Spending more time in virtual environments has potential social ramifications. Open discussions about responsible use are essential.

The Verdict

The Apple Vision Pro is a bold step forward, but not a finished product. Its groundbreaking technology offers a taste of the future, but limitations hold it back from mass appeal. Whether it’s the right choice for you depends on your needs and expectations. But one thing’s for sure: the Vision Pro is a conversation starter, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and shaping the future of mixed reality.

How To Setting up the Vision Pro

Apple Vision Pro: A Glimpse into the Future According to Engadget Podcast
  • Make sure you have all the necessary components: Vision Pro headset, power adapter, USB-C charging cable, ZEISS Optical Inserts (if needed), Light Seal, Light Seal Cushion, Audio Straps, and Solo Knit Band.
  • Charge the battery fully using the provided power adapter and cable.
  • Download the latest version of the VisionOS app on your iOS or iPad device.

Setting up the hardware

  1. Connect the battery: Locate the power cable and connect it to the Audio Strap, aligning the dot on the cable with the outlined dot on the strap. Rotate the cable clockwise until it locks in and you see the battery light pulse.
  2. Position the headset: Place the Vision Pro on your face and adjust the Solo Knit Band for a comfortable and secure fit.
  3. Power on and connect: When you put on the headset, the displays will automatically turn on. Open the VisionOS app on your device, follow the on-screen instructions to scan the QR code displayed on the headset, and pair the two devices.

Configuring software

  1. Choose your setup method: You can either use Quick Start (if you have an iPhone or iPad with a compatible iOS/iPadOS version) for automatic setup or choose manual setup.
  2. Follow the on-screen instructions: This will involve connecting to Wi-Fi, creating a passcode, signing in with your Apple ID, and enabling features like EyeSight and Optic ID.
  3. Download apps: Explore the VisionOS app store and download compatible apps to personalize your experience.

Apple Vision Pro PROS and CONS

The Apple Vision Pro has caused quite a stir in the tech world, promising a glimpse into the future of mixed-reality technology. But is it all that it’s cracked up to be? Here’s a breakdown of the key features, pros, and cons to help you decide if it’s right for you.

Apple Vision Pro: A Glimpse into the Future According to Engadget Podcast

Key Features

  • High-resolution micro-OLED displays: Experience stunning visuals with vibrant colors, deep blacks, and incredible sharpness.
  • Intuitive controls: Navigate using eye tracking and hand gestures for a natural and immersive feel.
  • Mixed reality experience: Blend the real and virtual worlds for unique gaming, entertainment, and productivity applications.
  • VisionOS: A new operating system designed specifically for mixed reality experiences.
  • Health and fitness tracking: Monitor your heart rate, steps, and more with built-in sensors.


  • Groundbreaking technology: Offers an unparalleled mixed reality experience with cutting-edge features.
  • Immersive visuals: The high-resolution displays provide a stunning and lifelike experience.
  • Intuitive controls: Eye tracking and hand gestures feel natural and convenient.
  • Developer potential: Offers a vast platform for developers to create new and innovative AR/VR experiences.
  • Health and fitness: Can be used for various health and fitness activities.


  • High price tag: Costs significantly more than most other VR headsets.
  • Limited app ecosystem: The new platform currently lacks a wide variety of apps.
  • Battery life: Battery life is limited, requiring frequent charging.
  • Comfort concerns: The headset can feel heavy and uncomfortable during extended use.
  • Privacy concerns: The amount of data collected by the headset raises privacy concerns.
  • Limited accessibility: The current design might not be suitable for everyone.

The Apple Vision Pro is a remarkable piece of technology, showcasing the potential of mixed reality. However, its high price tag, limited app selection, and comfort concerns make it more suitable for early adopters and developers than mainstream consumers. If you’re looking for a cutting-edge glimpse into the future of technology, the Vision Pro might be worth considering. But if you’re looking for a more affordable and versatile VR experience, other options might be a better fit.

Apple Vision Pro: Your Cinema and the 3D Video Resurgence?

The Apple Vision Pro isn’t just another VR headset; it’s a gateway to an immersive future, and its potential as a personal cinema is particularly exciting. Let’s explore this aspect and consider whether it signals the return of 3D video.

Apple Vision Pro: A Glimpse into the Future According to Engadget Podcast

The Vision Pro as Your Cinema

  • Stunning Visuals: High-resolution micro-OLED displays promise visuals exceeding typical TVs, offering deeper blacks, vibrant colors, and incredible sharpness. Imagine watching movies unfold as if you were transported into the scene.
  • Immersive Experience: Unlike TVs, the Vision Pro places you in the center of the action. It’s not just watching a movie; it’s feeling the rumble of explosions or the wind on your face.
  • Customizable Environment: Imagine watching a space opera in a simulated spaceship or a historical drama in a virtual ancient theater. The VisionOS environments can tailor the experience to your movie choice.
  • Spatial Audio: Imagine the soundscape enveloping you from all directions, enhancing the realism and pulling you deeper into the story.

3D Video’s Potential Comeback

  • Built-in 3D Support: The Vision Pro supports Apple’s new Immersive Videos, 180-degree 3D recordings with Spatial Audio. This format could breathe new life into 3D video, offering a more natural and immersive experience than past attempts.
  • Limited Content Library: Currently, the 3D content library is sparse, but Apple and other studios might invest in creating more content if widespread adoption occurs.
  • User Preference: Not everyone enjoys 3D video due to eye strain, nausea, or simply a lack of preference. Whether 3D makes a significant comeback depends on user reception.

Beyond Entertainment

  • Gaming: The immersive visuals and controls could revolutionize gaming, offering unique experiences unavailable on traditional screens.
  • Education and Training: Imagine exploring historical events or learning complex skills in simulated environments.
  • Virtual Workspaces: Collaborate with colleagues or attend meetings in virtual spaces, even if you’re miles apart.

The Verdict

While the Vision Pro’s price tag might exclude some, its potential as a personal cinema and its role in potentially reviving 3D video is intriguing. Its success depends on content creation, user preference, and future developments. Time will tell if it becomes a niche gadget or a true game-changer in the home entertainment landscape.

Additional Points

  • Consider mentioning your personal opinion on 3D video and its potential future.
  • Discuss potential drawbacks of the Vision Pro, such as battery life and comfort concerns.
  • Compare the Vision Pro to other VR headsets and home cinema options.
  • Highlight innovative features beyond 3D video, like environment customization and Spatial Audio.

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