100 Online Strategic Management MCQ with Answers

By techyrise.com 17 Min Read
  1. In Maslow’s need hierarchy, a healthy work environment is an example of what type of need?
    1. Physiological
    1. esteem    
    1. Safety
    1. Social
  2. In order to communicate, motivate and delegate a manager must have———
    1. Political skills
    1. Conceptual skills
    1. Technical skills
    1. Interpersonal skills
  3. Which of the following is not a basic function of management?
    1. Controlling
    1. Working
    1. Leading
    1. Controlling
  4. What is effectiveness in management?
    1. The ability to do things right
    1. The ability to do the right things
    1. The ability to achieve goals efficiently
    1. None of the above
  5. Efficiency refers to —————-
    1. Relationship management
    1. Relationship between cost and benefit
    1. Increasing output regarding cost
    1. Increasing exponential cost
  6. Different levels of strategic decision making and strategy formulation in any organization include
    1. Corporate and Business Level
    1. Corporate and Functional Level
    1. Business and Functional Level
    1. Corporate, Business and Functional Level
  7. The lowest level of management is—
    1. Non managerial employees
    1. Departmental research mangers
    1. A vice president
    1. A first line manager
  8. The first and foremost function of management is ___________.
    1. Planning
    1.  Organizing
    1. controlling
    1.  Coordination
  9. SWOT stands for—————
    1. Services worldwide optimization and transport
    1. Special weapons for operations for timeless
    1. Strength weakness opportunities and threats
    1. Strength worldwide overcomes threats
  10. Management is________________.
    1. an art
    1. a science.
    1. an art and a science
    1. an art not science
  11. Who is called the Father of Strategic Management?
    1. Chandler
    1. Igor Ansoff
    1. Michael Porter
    1. John Nash
  12. What is the starting point of Strategic Intent?
    1. Goal
    1. Objective
    1. Vision
    1. Mission
  13. Hierarchy of Strategic Intent:
    1. Vision > Mission > Goals > Objectives > Plans
    1. Mission > Vision > Goals > Objectives > Plans
    1. Plans > Vision > Mission > Goals > Objectives
    1.  Goals > Vision > Mission > Objectives > Plans
  14. SWOT stands for
  1. Services worldwide optimization and transport
  2. Special weapons for operations for timeless
  3. Strength weakness opportunities and threats
  4. Strength worldwide overcomes threats
  5. Which of the following is not a major element of the strategic management process?
    1. Formulation strategy
    1. Implementing strategy
    1. Evaluating strategy
    1. Assigning administrative tasks
  6. Competitive advantage can be best described as
    1. Increased efficiency
    1. What sets an organisation apart
    1. A strength and the organisations
    1. Intangible resources
  7. Which environment can create new markets and new business segments?
    1. Political environment
    1. Economic environment
    1. Sociocultural environment
    1. Technological environment
  8. Retrenchment is——————
    1. When a company experiences declining profits and makes cutbacks to improve efficiency.
    1. When a company adopts a new strategic position for a product or service
    1. The sale of the complete business, either as a single going concern or piecemeal to different buyers or sometimes by auctioning the assets
    1. Implement the marketing function’s strategic planning and management decisions
  9. What type of strategy is stability strategy?
    1. Corporate level
    1. Functional level
    1. Strategic level
    1. Business level
  10. A possible and desirable future state of an organisation is called
    1. Mission
    1. Strategy implementation
    1.  Strategy formulation
    1. Vision
  11. Management deals with ___________
    1. internal environment
    1. external environment
    1.  both internal and external environment
    1. None of the above
  12. Management functions include ________
    1.  planning & organizing
    1.  directing
    1. controlling
    1. All of the above
  13. Management is ________ in order to create a surplus.
    1.  an art
    1. a science
    1. both A & B
    1. None of these
  14. _______ is the basic reason for its existence.
    1. The organizational vision
    1. The organizational mission
    1. The organizational objectives
    1.  organizations CEO
  15. _______ is about grouping of jobs.
    1. organising
    1. directing
    1.  planning
    1.  controlling
  16. Managerial skills involve _____
    1. technical skills
    1. human skills
    1. conceptual skills
    1. all of the above
  17. Policies are sometimes defined as a(n)
    1.  shortcut for thinking
    1.  action plan
    1. substitute for strategy
    1.  substitute for management authority
  18. The most significant management skills are ________
    1. Technical, Human and Conceptual
    1. Technical, behavioural and Conceptual
    1. Systematic, Human and Conceptual
    1. Technical, Human and cognitive
  19. __________ represents the lower-level management covering execution and implementation functions.
    1. Administrative Management
    1. Operative management
    1. Co-operative management
    1. All of the above
  20. _____ is the important interpersonal role of manager.
    1. Leader role
    1. Liaison role
    1. Figurehead role
    1. All of the above
  21. Who is responsible for the operations of various departments:
    1. Top Management
    1. Board of directors
    1. Middle management
    1. None of these
  22. Which of the following is true about Principles of Management?
    1. The principles of management are in a continuous process of evolution
    1. The principles of management have evolved
    1. The principles of management have not evolved
    1. None of the above
  23. Which Principle of Scientific Management says that employees must be rewarded when they make suggestions that lead to cost savings within the company?
    1. Cooperation not individualism
    1. Harmony not discord
    1. Science, not a rule of thumb
    1. All of the above
  24. Henri Fayol is known as _________.
    1. The father of general management
    1. The father of shop floor management
    1. The father of scientific management
    1. All of the above
  25. Which of the following is the correct meaning of concentration of decision-making authority?
    1. Span of management
    1. Centralisation
    1. Decentralisation
    1. None of the above
  26. _____ is the important interpersonal role of manager.
    1. Leader role
    1.  Liaison role
    1. Figurehead role
    1. All of the above
  27. Henry Fayol laid down_____________.
    1.  12 principles.
    1. 13 principles.
    1. 14 principles.
    1. 15 principles.
  28. Esprit de corps means______________.
    1. union is strength.
    1.  service is our motto.
    1. buyer beware
    1.  product is our strength.
  29. Every subordinate should receive orders from and be accountable to only one superior is __________.
    1. Unity of direction.
    1. Unity of command.
    1.  Centralization.
    1. Scalar chain.
  30. The chain of command from the highest authority to the lowest level in the organization is _________.
    1. Unity of direction.
    1. Unity of command.
    1. Centralization.
    1. Scalar chain.
  31. The first and foremost function of management is ___________.
    1. planning.
    1. organizing.
    1. controlling.
    1. ccoordination.
  32. Strategic planning is ___________.
    1. long term planning.
    1.  medium term planning.
    1. short term planning.
    1. annual planning
  33. Contingent plan to meet environmental pressures is ______________.
    1.  objective.
    1. strategies.
    1. policies.
    1. rules.
  34. Employees will be promoted on the basis of seniority is an example of __________.
    1.  rules.
    1. procedures.
    1. policy.
    1. methods.
  35. Formal authority flows from upwards to downwards in___________.
    1. formal organization.
    1.  informal organization.
    1. business or organisation.
    1. strategic organization.
  36. Which type of organization gives importance to terms of authority and functions?
    1. formal organization.
    1.  informal organization.
    1. business or organisation.
    1. strategic organization
  37. Which type of organization gives importance to people and their relationships?
    1. formal organization.
    1. informal organization.
    1. business or organisation.
    1. strategic organization
  38. Which role of manager that needs to resolve major and minor crisis that may occur unexpectedly?
    1. Negotiator
    1. Entrepreneur
    1. Resource allocator
    1. Disturbance handler
  39. _____________ is not one of the eight steps in the decision-making process.
    1. Identifying the problem
    1. Analysing alternative solutions
    1. Implementing the decision
    1. Delegating the decision making
  40. All of the following are the levels of communication EXCEPT ______________
    1. Intrapersonal Communication
    1. Interpersonal Communication
    1. Mediated Communication
    1. Frame Communication
  41. _____________ is an individual’s capacity to influence decisions.
    1. Span of control
    1. Line authority
    1. Staff authority
    1. Power
  42. Some policies are imposed by external forces, such as ______________
    1. Governmental regulatory agencies
    1. Employee demands
    1. Management decisions
    1. Lack of funding
  43. Organization structure primarily refers to ______________
    1. how activities are coordinated and controlled
    1. how resources are allocated
    1. the location of departments and office space
    1. the policy statements developed by the firm
  44. The problem-solving process begins with ______________
    1. Clarification of the situation
    1. Establishment of alternatives
    1. Identification of the difficulty
    1. Isolation of the cause
  45. Which of the following is the determinant of organization structure
    1. Technology
    1. Centralization
    1. Size of the work unit
    1. Coordination of activities
  46. What is the term used to define the number of subordinates directly controlled by a manager?
    1. Division management
    1. Departmentation
    1. Investment span
    1. Span of control
  47. Which of the following is not a basic function of the management process?
    1. Controlling
    1. Organizing
    1. Working
    1. Leading
  48. Which type of decision making is carried out by lower-level management and deals with specific day ______________ processes?
    1. Programmed decision making
    1. Operational decision making
    1. Administrative decision making
    1. Mid-level decision making
  49. Which of the following is true about managers within an organisation?
    1. Management skills apply to managers at top levels in an organisation
    1. Management skills apply to managers at all levels in an organisation
    1. Management skills apply to managers at middle levels in an organisation
    1. Management skills apply to managers at executive levels in an organisation
  50. Which of the following is the correct meaning of concentration of decision-making authority?
    1. Span of management
    1. Centralisation
    1. Decentralisation
    1. None of the above
  51. The most significant management skills are ________
    1. Technical, Human and Conceptual
    1. Technical, behavioural and Conceptual
    1. Systematic, Human and Conceptual
    1. Technical, Human and cognitive
  52. _____ is the important interpersonal role of manager.
    1.  Leader role
    1.  Liaison role
    1. Figurehead role
    1. All of the above
  53. Which is NOT an informational role of manager?
    1.  Monitor’s role
    1. Disturbance’s handler role
    1.  Disseminator’s role
    1. spokesman’s role
  54. Which of the following do management functions include?
    1. Directing
    1. Controlling
    1. Planning and Organising
    1. All of the above
  55. Which of the following is the most common type of departmentalization?
    1. Customer/Market Departmentalization
    1. Function Departmentalization
    1. Geography Departmentalization.
    1. Process Departmentalization.
  56. Deal with routing and repetitive problems is a ______________.
    1. programmed decision.
    1. non-programmed decision.
    1. major decision.
    1. minor decision.
  57. Correcting the deviations in the predetermined targets is called as ______________.
    1. decision making.
    1. budgeting.
    1. controlling.
    1. organizing.
  58. _____________ was developed mainly to increase the output of the average worker and to improve the efficiency of the management.
    1. Scientific management.
    1. Human resource management
    1. Piece rate system.
    1. Time rate system.
  59. Planning is required at ______________.
    1. all the department.
    1. all levels of management.
    1. all the shops.
    1. all the institutions.
  60. The external environment factor that states: The values and culture that affect the way people feel about the organization they are in and about work itself is ______________.
    1. sociological factors.
    1. political factors.
    1. economic factors.
    1. psychological factors.
  61. All of the following are the characteristics of an organization EXCEPT ______________.
    1. People.
    1. Product.
    1. Purpose.
    1. Structure.
  62. Placing the right person in the right job is called as ______________.
    1. recruiting.
    1. staffing.
    1. hiring.
    1. transfer.
  63. The decision taken by lower-level management is a ______________.
    1. programmed decision.
    1. non-programmed decision.
    1. major decision.
    1. minor decision.
  64. To be a successful manager, a manager should be familiar with ______________ concepts.
    1. psychology.
    1. economics.
    1. commerce.
    1. all the above.
  65. Planning results in ______________.
    1. employee satisfaction.
    1. high profit.
    1. co-ordination.
    1. higher efficiency.
  66. The duration of short-term plan is ______________.
    1. 18 months.
    1. 16 months.
    1. 14 months.
    1. 12 months.
  67. Which type of organization is permanent and stable?
    1. Formal Organization.
    1. Informal Organization.
    1. Business Or Organisation.
    1. Strategic Organization.
  68. The selection of best alternative from many alternatives is known as______________.
    1. selection.
    1. decision-making.
    1. organizing.
    1. budgeting.
  69. problem-solving process begins with ______________.
    1. clarification of the situation.
    1. establishment of alternatives.
    1. identification of the problem.
    1. isolation of the cause.
  70. Management is getting things done through ______________.
    1. managers.
    1. workers.
    1. others.
    1. administrators.
  71. Lower-level workers need ______________ skills than administrative skills.
    1. planning.
    1. coordinating.
    1. technical.
    1. decision making.
  72. Expand the term MBO.
    1. Management By Organization.
    1. Management By Objectives.
    1. Management By Optimism.
    1. Man By Optimism.
  73. The duration of long-term plan is mostly ______________.
    1. 1 to 5 years.
    1. 5 to 15 years.
    1. 15 to 25 years.
    1. 10 years.
  74. Ccommonly all management can be classified into ______________ levels.
    1. 5
    1. 6
    1. 3
    1. 4
  75. At what level of an organisation does a corporate manager operate?
    1. Functional
    1. Operational
    1. Middle level
    1. Top level
  76. In the ‘five forces model’, what is the type of competitive activity that exists between organisations?
    1. The potential for entry into the industry
    1. The threat of substitute products
    1. The power of customers
    1. The level of rivalry
  77. In what order do managers typically perform the managerial functions?
    1. organising, planning, controlling, leading
    1. organising, leading, planning, controlling
    1. planning, organising, leading, controlling
    1. planning, organising, controlling, leading
  78. Specialisation is a feature of which organisational structure?
    1. Matrix
    1. Divisional
    1. Multi-divisional
    1. Functional
  79. To what does authority refer?
    1. The ability to organise people
    1. The power to command and direct
    1. The need for order
    1. The right to change jobs
  80. To what time-frame do strategic plans relate?
    1. Long-term
    1. Medium-term
    1. Short-term
    1. Unspecified time it takes to achieve an aim
  81. What are the three interpersonal roles of managers?
    1. Figurehead, leader and liaison
    1. Spokesperson, leader, coordinator
    1. Director, coordinator, disseminator
    1. Communicator, organiser, spokesperson
  82. What does PEST stand for?
    1. Political, environmental, strategic, testing
    1. Political, environmental, strategic, technological
    1. Political, economic, strategic, technological
    1. Political, economic, social, technological
  83. What is another name for contingency planning?
    1. Synergy planning
    1. Ad hoc planning
    1. Business level planning
    1. Scenario planning
  84. What is OD?
    1. Organisational disputes
    1. Organisational development
    1. Organisational demands
    1. Organisational drift
  85. Which feature does not form one of Fayol’s 14 principles of management?
    1. Esprit de corps
    1. Initiative
    1. Order
    1. Individualism
  86. Which of the following motivators is the most basic need in Maslow’s hierarchy?
    1. Safety
    1. Belonging
    1. Physiological
    1. Esteem
  87. Which one is not a recognised key skill of management?
    1. Conceptual skills
    1. Human skills
    1. Technical skills
    1. Writing skills
  88. Which of these is not part of human resource policy?
    1. Reward systems
    1. Staff appraisals
    1. Staff development
    1. Suppliers’ choice
  89. Which is not an example of an external factor for learning and knowledge?
    1. Demographic change
    1. Political influences
    1. Organisational structure
    1. Social change
  90. What is the term for the action in which managers at an organisation analyse the current situation of their organisation and then develop plans to accomplish its mission and achieve its goals?
    1. Synergy planning
    1. Strategy formulation
    1. Functional planning
    1. SWOT analysis



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